This Still Exists
I bet you forgot all about this newsletter. The last one was sent out in August. Well, the truth is that GeekNights slowed down quite a bit for awhile. Not only was there PAX, but Rym went on some business trips. We missed a bunch of episodes and such. Now we are back in business. Part of that business is sending out this newsletter. I'm changing the format of the newsletter a bit to make it easier to write. Also because I don't have any listener questions to respond to and such.
New Forum
There were some technical issues with our forum, so we have switched from the self-hosted Vanilla to the paid version. This means we can have nice things again, like user registration and a search function that actually works. If you aren't one of the people who lives and breathes on our forum, there is no better time to come on over.
The New Forum is Expensive
The new hosted forum costs way more money than the old forum. You get what you pay for, I guess. Even though we have money, it's really expensive. We are going to be doing some things in order to make some moneys from now on. That may include asking for donations from forum users, selling more merch, etc. We can't really shit talk this one, because we can't afford to. Keep an eye out.
Book Club - Stasiland
The current book club selection is
Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall
. It was Rym's choice. It's all about what it was like living under the Stasi in East Germany. It is extremely relevant to our current events concerning the activities of the NSA and such. I just finished reading it, so the episode will be very soon. Perhaps even tomorrow.
Since the year is pretty much over, the next convention you have to worry about is
MAGFest. It's going to be insane.
Machinae Supremacy is going to be there, performing in the US for the first time ever. Also, they have a gigantic arcade of awesomeness,
Super Art Fight, panels and lectures featuring yours truly, tabletop gaming, and much more. 24/7, 4 days, New Years, UUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
GeekNights Presents Utena - Episode 9
We have some more free time now, so we are back to making videos. People seem to really love our Utena series, even though it would take less time to just watch Utena that it would to watch our videos about it. We just uploaded episode 9. Enjoy.
GeekNights Continues On
You may or may not know that the first publicly available GeekNights Episode was released to the Interwebs on Halloween 2005. That means that as of tomorrow GeekNights will be entering its ninth year of podcasting. That's pretty good as far as most podcasts go. How many other podcasts do you know that have lasted eight years? Maybe we'll eventually be the longest running podcast on earth? It's possible. If you want to explore our vast history, Rym has setup a tumblr that contains links to our old content. Worth a look.